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The Looking Glass Wars

The Looking Glass Wars is a very exiting book by Frank Beddor. This story takes place in the wonderful and weird wonderland where your imagination is your strongest tool.

The main characters in this book are, first, Alyss Heart. She is the daughter of the good queen Geneveive. Princess Alyss has a very strong imagination, and she will one day rule Wonderland. Second is Alyss' evil aunt, Redd. Redd has been plotting revenge ever since Geneveive "stole" her crown.And Thirdly, Hatter Madigan. Hatter is queen Genevieve's bodygaurd. He is quick, nimble, smart and has a fierce loyalty to his queen and Alyss.

Princess Alyss is living happily in the Heart Palace with her best friend, Dodge, when on her birthday, Redd steals the crown and kills Alyss' parents. Hatter then takes Alyss and flees through the

"pool of tears" transporting them into our world. But in the pool, Hatter and Alyss are separated. Lost and alone, Alyss is forced to face reality and give up her hopes and dreams. Meanwhile, Hatter is searching every corner of the earth for the lost princess, but when he finds her, can he convince her to come back and fight for her rightful place as queen?

This book is very exiting. My favorite character is Hatter Madigan. He reminds me of Batman:) I love how he is so smart and dedicated to finding Alyss when he loses her in the pool of tears.

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